The OSDIA Grand Lodge of Colorado is a duly organized State Lodge chartered on April 22, 1995 by the National Lodge of the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America. The Grand Lodge of Colorado is a fraternal organization authorized by the state of Colorado to transact its proper fraternal business and which derives its origin and its existence from the National Lodge of the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America.
The Grand Lodge of Colorado exercises jurisdiction on all lodges and members of the Order within the confines of the State of Colorado and those lodges outside the state as may be placed under its jurisdiction by the National Lodge.
Originally called “Figli d’Italia,” the Order Sons of Italy in America® was established in the Little Italy neighborhood of New York City on June 22, 1905, by Vincenzo Sellaro, M.D., and five other Italian immigrants who came to the United States during the great Italian migration (1880-1923). Their aim was to create a support system for all Italian immigrants that would assist them with becoming U.S. citizens, provide health/death benefits and educational opportunities, and offer assistance with assimilation in America.